
A !Job specifies a single action to perform along with the environment that it should be executed within:

  id       : test_job
  cwd      : /path/to/working/directory
  command  : echo
  args     :
    - "This is key A: $ENV_KEY_A and B: $ENV_KEY_B"
  env      :
    ENV_KEY_A: abcde
    ENV_KEY_B: 12345
    - !Cores [2]
    - !Memory [1.5, GB]
    - !License [ToolA, 1]
    - !License [ToolB, 2]
  on_done  :
    - job_that_may_pass_or_fail
  on_pass  :
    - job_that_must_pass
  on_fail  :
    - job_that_will_fail
Field Required Description
id Identifier for the job, used to navigate job hierarchy
cwd Working directory, if not specified then the launch shell's $CWD is used
command Command to execute
args List of arguments to provide to the command
env Dictionary of environment variables to overlay
resources List of !Cores, !Memory, and !License requests
on_done List of jobs that must complete (pass or fail) before launching this job
on_pass List of jobs that must succeed before launching this job
on_fail List of jobs that must fail before launching this job


Dependencies specified in on_done, on_pass, and on_fail are ANDed together, such that all tasks listed must complete with the relevent pass or failure state before the dependent task is started.