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Websocket API

Gator uses websockets to communicate between the tiers and wrappers executing a given work specification. Tasks running within a wrapper can communicate with it to log messages and record metrics using this API, and data is aggregated during regular heartbeat intervals and whenever a tier or wrapper completes.

Communication through websockets is bi-directional, so messages can also travel down through the hierarchy to perform operations like discovering the active tree or stopping all jobs currently running.

Basic Format

All messages travelling over Gator's websocket connections are encoded in JSON, while this is not necessarily the most efficient way to serialize data it was chosen for its widely available support across many languages without installing additional packages.

    "action" : "some_action",
    "req_id" : 23,
    "posted" : false,
    "payload": {
        "key_a": "value_a",
        "key_b": 987


If the posted attribute is set to true then the host will silently consume the message and will not emit a response unless the message fails to be decoded.

    "action" : "some_action",
    "rsp_id" : 23,
    "result" : "success",
    "payload": {
        "key_c": true,
        "key_d": "value_d"
    "result": "error",
    "rsp_id": 23,
    "reason": "An explanation of the error"


If an identifier (req_id) is provided in the request then it will always be copied into the response (rsp_id) allowing multiple outstanding messages to be sent to the host before responses are emitted.

Common Actions

Tiers and wrappers both support the actions listed in this section.


The log action allows messages to be recorded into the SQLite database of a job's wrapper, or forwarded to the console. It propagates upwards through the wrapper and tier hierarchy. An example of a log request is as follows:

    "action" : "log",
    "req_id" : 1,
    "posted" : true,
    "payload": {
        "timestamp": 1684696137,
        "severity" : "WARNING",
        "message"  : "This is a warning message"

The request fields of this action are as follows:

Field Required Type Description
timestamp integer Unix timestamp when the message was created (defaults to the current time)
severity string Logging severity must be one of DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, or CRITICAL (defaults to INFO)
message string The message to log


It is recommended to set posted to true for the log action as this will reduce load on both the client and server in cases of high message throughput.


The stop action terminates a job running within a wrapper and is distributed by tiers to all child tiers and wrappers, also stopping any further tasks from being scheduled. It propagates downwards through the tier and wrapper hierarchy. An example of a stop request is as follows:

    "action" : "stop",
    "req_id" : 1,
    "posted" : false,
    "payload": {}

This action requires no payload to be provided and can sent either posted or non-posted, in which case a response with an empty payload will be emitted once the stop requested has been forwarded on to all children (but jobs may still be in the process of being terminated).

Tier Actions

This section includes actions specific to a tier.


The children action lists all of the immediate children of a given tier, their current state and any metrics they have reported.

    "action" : "children",
    "req_id" : 1,
    "posted" : false,
    "payload": {}
    "action" : "children",
    "rsp_id" : 1,
    "result" : "success",
    "payload": {
        "child_a": {
            "state"    : "STARTED",
            "result"   : "UNKNOWN",
            "server"   : "",
            "metrics"  : { "msg_debug": 10, "msg_info": 4, "lint_warnings": 123 },
            "exitcode" : 0,
            "started"  : 1684696100,
            "updated"  : 1684696137,
            "completed": 0

The response payload contains a dictionary of every known child ID along with its current status. The status of each child will contain the following fields.

Field Type Description
state string Current status of the job which will be PENDING, LAUNCHED, STARTED, or COMPLETE
result string Result of the job once it has completed which will be UNKNOWN, SUCCESS, or FAILURE
server string URL of the websocket server running within the tier or wrapper
metrics dict Dictionary of metrics aggregated by the tier or wrapper
exitcode integer Exit code of the job running within a wrapper layer, set once complete
started integer Unix timestamp when the child started
updated integer Unix timestamp of the last update received from the child
completed integer Unix timestamp when the child completed

Get Tree

The get_tree action returns a dictionary containing a snapshot of the tree of active jobs, recursively gathered by querying each tier.

    "action" : "get_tree",
    "req_id" : 1,
    "posted" : false,
    "payload": {}
    "action" : "get_tree",
    "rsp_id" : 1,
    "result" : "success",
    "payload": {
        "root_group": {
            "child_group": {
                "grandchild_job_a": "STARTED",
                "grandchild_job_b": "PENDING"
            "child_job": "COMPLETE"

The response payload carries a tree where each key is the name of a tier or wrapper, with the leaf node values carrying the state of specific job wrappers (either PENDING, LAUNCHED, STARTED, or COMPLETE).


The spec endpoint is used by child tiers and wrappers to retrieve the work specification to execute.

    "action" : "spec",
    "req_id" : 1,
    "posted" : false,
    "payload": {
        "ident": "child_job_a"
    "action" : "get_tree",
    "rsp_id" : 1,
    "result" : "success",
    "payload": {
        "spec": "!Job\nident: child_job_a\n..."

The request fields of this action are as follows:

Field Required Type Description
ident string Identifier of the child tier or wrapper

The response fields of this action are as follows:

Field Type Description
spec string Uncompressed YAML work specification for this tier or wrapper


When child tiers and wrappers are launched, the parent tier changes their state to LAUNCHED. When the child is scheduled, it connects to the parent's websocket and sends the register action which updates its state to STARTED.

    "action" : "register",
    "req_id" : 1,
    "posted" : false,
    "payload": {
        "ident" : "child_job_a",
        "server": ""
    "action" : "register",
    "rsp_id" : 1,
    "result" : "success",
    "payload": {}

The request fields of this action are as follows:

Field Required Type Description
ident string Identifier of the child tier or wrapper
server string URL of the child's websocket


While a child tier or wrapper is running, it should provide periodic updates to the parent tier, this is known as the 'heartbeat'. These updates are provided via the update action.

    "action" : "update",
    "req_id" : 1,
    "posted" : false,
    "payload": {
        "ident"     : "child_a",
        "metrics"   : {
            "sub_total" : 10,
            "sub_active": 4,
            "sub_passed": 2,
            "sub_failed": 1,
            "msg_debug"    : 3,
            "msg_info"     : 5,
            "msg_warning"  : 2,
            "msg_error"    : 3,
            "msg_critical" : 0,
            "lint_warnings": 123
    "action" : "update",
    "rsp_id" : 1,
    "result" : "success",
    "payload": {}

The request fields of this action are as follows:

Field Required Type Description
ident string Identifier of the child tier or wrapper
sub_total integer Number of total jobs expected to run at or beneath the child layer
sub_active integer Number of currently active jobs running at or beneath the child layer
sub_passed integer Number of jobs completed successful at or beneath the child layer
sub_failed integer Number of jobs that have failed at or beneath the child layer
metrics dict Dictionary of metric values aggregated to this layer


In many cases it may be best to send update actions with the posted field set to true to lower the amount of communication from the parent to the child. However, using non-posted requests is a useful way of determining that the parent tier is still alive.


While a child tier or wrapper is completes, it should send a final status update to the parent tier using the complete action.

    "action" : "complete",
    "req_id" : 1,
    "posted" : false,
    "payload": {
        "ident"     : "child_a",
        "result"    : "SUCCESS",
        "code"      : 0,
        "metrics"   : {
            "sub_total" : 10,
            "sub_passed": 2,
            "sub_failed": 1,
            "msg_debug"    : 3,
            "msg_info"     : 5,
            "msg_warning"  : 2,
            "msg_error"    : 3,
            "msg_critical" : 0,
            "lint_warnings": 123
    "action" : "complete",
    "rsp_id" : 1,
    "result" : "success",
    "payload": {}

The request fields of this action are as follows:

Field Required Type Description
ident string Identifier of the child tier or wrapper
result string Child's result either SUCCESS or FAILURE
code integer Exit code of the child wrapper's task
sub_total integer Number of total jobs expected to run at or beneath the child layer
sub_passed integer Number of jobs completed successful at or beneath the child layer
sub_failed integer Number of jobs that have failed at or beneath the child layer
metrics dict Dictionary of metric values aggregated to this layer

Wrapper Actions

This section includes actions specific to a wrapper.


The metric action allows an arbitrary numerical value to be reported into the Gator metrics engine. It is only passed from the task running within the wrapper to the wrapper itself, it does not directly propagate further up the tree. An example of a metric request is shown below:

    "action" : "metric",
    "req_id" : 1,
    "posted" : true,
    "payload": {
        "name" : "lint_warnings",
        "value": 132

The request fields of this action are as follows:

Field Required Type Description
name string Name of the metric to record
value integer Value of the metric


The same metric value can be recorded multiple times but only the final value recorded will be preserved.